We are a fellowship of 45 Churches and missions in Carroll County, Northern Heard County, and Paulding County.
As an Acts 1:8 Association, we work together to reach our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and uttermost parts of the earth, for the Kingdom of God.
As an Acts 1:8 Association, we work together to reach our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and uttermost parts of the earth, for the Kingdom of God.
Thank you Tabernacle for a great week of collection for Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox as the drop off site. 5,217 Shoeboxes were collected which as an amazing increase over last year. Special thanks to Ben Ervin and all who volunteered during the week. Thank you to everyone who filled a shoebox and for every church who participated in this mission project. Please pray for every child who receives a shoebox to know the love of Christ and choose to follow Him.
February Funtastic is an awesome event for children in the First through Sixth Grades!
It is an all-day event. The day consist of your choice of Urban Air Event Center, Thunder Zone Entertainment Center or Starlite Fun Center to start the day. Then we head to Central Elementary School. At Central we will have a huge rally with lots of give-a-ways, a clear Gospel Message, and rally games competitions!
Then we will break into two gyms for a Tower Wars Competition. Each church can register one 1st-3rd Grade team and one 4th-6th Grade team. The team can have up to 15 on a team, a team can consist of a few as 7 on a team. You will need leaders for each team to be able to split into two gyms. Pizza is also served, so it is an amazing day!
Registration is open now! brushfire.com/wol/februaryfuntastic2025
Cost per person by January 17th- $25.00 January 18th-31st - $30.00 and Late Registration February 1st -8th - $35.00
It is an all-day event. The day consist of your choice of Urban Air Event Center, Thunder Zone Entertainment Center or Starlite Fun Center to start the day. Then we head to Central Elementary School. At Central we will have a huge rally with lots of give-a-ways, a clear Gospel Message, and rally games competitions!
Then we will break into two gyms for a Tower Wars Competition. Each church can register one 1st-3rd Grade team and one 4th-6th Grade team. The team can have up to 15 on a team, a team can consist of a few as 7 on a team. You will need leaders for each team to be able to split into two gyms. Pizza is also served, so it is an amazing day!
Registration is open now! brushfire.com/wol/februaryfuntastic2025
Cost per person by January 17th- $25.00 January 18th-31st - $30.00 and Late Registration February 1st -8th - $35.00